Exploring The Corporate Startup with Dan Toma

In this episode, Moves the Needle Co-Founder and COO Aaron Eden hosts entrepreneur and intrepreneur, Dan Toma.

As an entrepreneur, Dan has been involved with high-tech startups globally. Over the last few years, he’s been primarily focused in the enterprise and has worked with companies like DT, Bosch, Jaguar and Allianz.  He has also recently co-authored a book titled The Corporate Startup – How established companies can develop successful innovation ecosystems.

Our areas of focus for this episode are:

  • Why the enterprise ecosystem should mimic a living organism.
  • What is an innovation thesis and why is it important?
  • Is it different from a company or product vision?
  • How can we use it to ensure we aren’t killing opportunities too early?
  • Why it is important to focus on arenas rather than industries.

    What Dan Toma is reading:

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