Lean Innovation in the Social Impact Sector

Video Interview with Heather Hiscox

Igniting an entrepreneurial spirit inside organizations in the social impact sector is something we have committed ourselves to at Moves the Needle, which is why we launched an entire division dedicated to addressing the challenges that many non-profit, government and philanthropic organizations may face.

We work with city employees, non-profit professionals and philanthropic foundation leadership to inspire this new way of thinking and to tear down the divide between the solutions they offer and the people they aim to serve. Organizations in this industry have a unique problem in that there are so many external pressures to create and move initiatives forward, but there isn’t always enough time spent on clarifying whether these programs and services are actually what constituents want or need.

For that reason, our Social Impact team has dedicated themselves to helping these organizations identify and reduce waste in their processes, discover how to involve their customers through empathy work, and provide the tools needed for them to innovate from within.

In this “ask me anything” style video, Heather Hiscox of our Social Impact team tackles several prominent questions on the topic of Lean Innovation in the social impact sector, and how focusing heavily on the customer can change the way these organizations drive impact.

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Questions Answered:

  • What kind of “waste” do you see within social impact organizations?
  • What is the role of Lean Innovation in social impact organizations?
  • How can we as an organization incorporate innovation into our everyday work when we have so many external pressures and internal tasks?
  • How do you work with different sectors of social impact?
  • How did you get into the social impact and lean innovation space?
  • Why do you use the word “customer”?
  • What types of organizations or projects is Lean Innovation best suited for?
  • Thus far, a lot of innovation methods and practices have flowed from the for-profit sector to the non-profit and public sector. What are the limits of learning and adapting from the for-profit sector?
  • What can the for-profit sector uniquely learn from those working for social impact?
  • What are some ways that we might identify and extract assumptions, assess risk and prioritize objectively?

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