M&As as a Catalyst to Cultural Change and Growth with Zakaria Ghassouli, People, Finance & Strategy Director at Avito

During M&As, it can often be challenging to effectively integrate two cultures. In today’s episode, Zakaria Ghassouli, People, Finance & Strategy Director at Avito, talks us through how he proactively used the M&A he went through with Avito as an opportunity to create a better culture after taking the passive approach began to lead to some problems.

In the episode dive into:

  • How he created workshops to collaboratively create a new set of values between the two organizations.
  • How they doubled down on those values and identified measurable behaviors to ensure the values were embodied. Behaviors that are still measured today even 2 years after the merger.
  • How they’ve gone about structuring an innovation lab within the organization.
  • How he uses the lean startup methodology to run experiments beyond product development.

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