Recruiting and Retaining Millennial Talent

Millennials play a vital part in the workforce of today and tomorrow.

Yet per HBR’s article, What Do Millennials Really Want at Work? The Same Things the Rest of Us Do, ‘it’s likely that companies pursuing millennial-specific employee engagement strategies are wasting time, focus, and money’.

This episode features a recording from a live webcast discussion between Aaron Eden and Marilyn Gorman.

Aaron Eden focuses on helping organizations act more entrepreneurial as the Co-Founder and COO of Moves the Needle. Prior to MTN, Aaron was the first Product Manager at Intuit (in HR) and played a key role in helping his team stop thinking about HR as a cost center and think about it as a way to drive competitive advantage.

As a result, he re-designed the personal growth & development program, university recruiting program and leadership development program. Beyond his work in HR, Aaron played a key role in the development of Intuit’s Innovation Program through launching a series of successful Lean Startup workshops within Intuit.

Marilyn Gorman focuses on the intersection of HR processes like Learning & Development and Organizational Design and entrepreneurial skills. Prior to founding the Gorman Group, Marilyn worked with GE and led cultural change initiatives and high-visibility, Chairman-sponsored programs as a Global Program Leader for Executive Development and Culture at GE. She was also an Innovation coach for Performance Development transformation at GE, engaging with culture, systems and HR processes.

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