Insights & Blog

Enterprise lean startup experiment examples

There are many techniques to consider when designing an effective lean startup experiment, so we decided to capture a few of our favorites here.

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How to identify and justify the ROI of innovation

Simply because the ROI of an innovation project isn’t seen this quarter and spot on projections are impossible, that doesn’t mean it’s not crucial for the health of an organization.

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Dealing with Uncertainty

When uncertainty causes a disruption to both personal and work life, what do you do? Massive disruption to global economics gives rise to massive amounts of uncertainty. We at Moves The Needle firmly believe that now is a good time to ignite “entrepreneurial spirit” to stay in tune with your customers. We are here to help you leverage Lean Innovation skills to (remotely) harness customer empathy, run rapid experiments, and de-risk decisions quickly with evidence, to build confidence for solutions to the very real issues you’re currently facing.

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10 Essentials for Survival in the Customer-Driven Economy

We are witnessing an amazing acceleration of new products, services, and delivery methods. Many companies and even entire industries have been radically affected (think Department Stores, RIM Blackberry, Kodak, Blockbuster, and many others). There are new rules, principles, and ways of working for success in the customer-driven economy.

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Tracking Your Innovation Program: Vanity Metrics vs. True Impact

How do you measure the success of your innovation program? We all realize that the desired long-term outcome is massive growth and billions of dollars, but along the way we must make sure we are measuring our progress honestly and in a fashion that demonstrates how our organization has benefitted. Getting the numbers right is crucial.

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Evidence-based Portfolio Management, with Noel Sobelman

Join Aaron Eden on the Shift Podcast as he interviews Noel Sobelman to dive into portfolio management, interdependent systems, and transformation.

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Five Minutes With: Mike Kendall, CX Lead & Senior Impact Coach, Moves The Needle

Mike Kendall has driven transformation for Intuit, Capital One, Citigroup, and Humana. As CX Lead for Moves The Needle, Mike brings more than twenty-five years of experience to every project. We recently sat down with him to find out how he guides organizations toward better customer engagement.

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How To Change The Way Local Government Works From The Inside Out

Those who carry this vision forward and empower these dreams are the past, present, and future city leadership and employees. The vision is embodied by the residents of the city. The way a city works, the way it prioritizes and manages projects and tests new ideas, has a profound impact on all of its “customers”, influencing staff morale and residents’ reactions.

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Why We’re Digging Deep at Lean Startup Conference 2018

Moves the Needle will be at Lean Startup Conference 2018. Will you? We’ve planned several events to enhance your Lean Startup Conference experience, all around the theme of digging deep to uncover new value for those who your organization aims to serve.

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Innovation Assessment: Is Your Company Lagging Behind?

The road to innovation transformation is long. This assessment is designed to help you understand your progress. Are you scaling or failing with your growth efforts? Take this survey, measure your results, and adapt your corporate innovation strategy as needed before it’s too late.

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Identifying and Engaging Key Stakeholders to Get an Innovation Initiative Prioritized

In any organization, most of the projects you work on will involve multiple stakeholders, each one possessing the ability to impact the progression of a project. This article explains the benefits of identifying and engaging key stakeholders early in the innovation process.

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How Can Nonprofits Remain Relevant and Create New Value?

A hard hit to the gut for many nonprofits is the fear of losing relevance. It manifests in the community as apathy, disconnection, and disengagement. However, there are steps that can be taken to turn this “value disconnect” into “value opportunity”. Read about them here.

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Stop Building Products No One Wants: How to Experiment Your Way to Success

One of the worst things you can do as a product manager is create something that no one wants. In this article, we’ll discuss how having the right set of tools at your disposal can mean all of the difference between product success and failure.

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What is Digital Transformation in Business and Why is it Important?

The topic of digital transformation is hotter now than ever before, but the fact is, the way people think and work has not changed to fit our new digital reality. In this article, we explore how digital transformation is just as much about changing corporate company culture as it is about updating technology.

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Lean Innovation Leadership in the Enterprise

This “ask me anything” style interview featuring Moves the Needle Co-Founder Brant Cooper and Aaron Eden tackles tough questions on the topic of innovation leadership and provides a unique perspective on why it’s important within an enterprise setting.

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