Insights & Blog

How to Attract and Retain Innovative Talent at an Enterprise

Every organization claims that their people are their greatest asset, but just because an organization offers many perks, does not mean that innovative talent will be enticed to stick around. Learn more about how companies can build a culture that really is a competitive advantage in this post.

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How Schibsted Media Group Used Empathy and Evidence to Validate New Ideas

Without having regular customer empathy, companies miss out on collecting valuable insights from the people they are aiming to serve. This is the story of how a Norwegian media group learned to use Lean Innovation to validate new ideas.

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How Used Lean Innovation to Make Their Mission a Reality

Discover how used lean innovation techniques to make their mission a reality in this case study about testing assumptions and bringing a new product to market.

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What is Lean Innovation? Components and Examples

What is lean innovation? In this article, we discuss the three components that come together to make up the lean innovation methodology, the three Es of lean innovation, and three examples of enterprise companies currently using these principles to drive impact inside their organizations today.

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Executives Meet to Discuss the ROI of Innovation

Explore the ROI of innovation, the three horizons of growth, and how to get buy-in for innovation at the enterprise level in this post detailing three unique perspectives at a prestigious dinner gathering for innovation executives.

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Understanding your customer doesn't mean giving them exactly what they ask for

The better you understand customers and their needs, the more likely you will be to develop a product that not only provides need-addressing utility but also resonates at an emotional level.

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Eric Ries interview: 4 Seeds for planting lean startup in the enterprise

We hosted Eric on our April live Lean Lunch Google Hangout, who revealed some secrets to getting senior management—and then everyone else—onboard when adopting lean innovation.

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Managing for Innovation: Why "Modern" Management Techniques Fail

Our organizations have gone digital, but our corporate structure and processes are still analog. Discover why our management techniques must also evolve in order to foster innovation.

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What it means to be customer-focused in the social impact sector

It seems strange to use the word "customer" in social impact, but it reframes how your organization creates and delivers value for everyone.

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Value Stream Discovery: What to test & how to measure

The value stream discovery loop meets you where you are. It is the tool designed to help you identify the assumptions and metrics that matter at each step of the value stream.

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Innovation Is Imperative: How to Innovate in Today's Evolving Landscape

The word “innovation” gets thrown around way too often, but innovation is indeed something very necessary and very real. Read this article to find out why innovation is imperative and how to innovate as a corporation in today’s evolving landscape.

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5 Excuses of companies that don't innovate (and how to overcome them)

Although every organization faces unique challenges, we see the same excuses repeatedly why established enterprises can’t do “real” innovation.

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5 Things to stop doing to enable enterprise innovation

One of the best ways to change a bad habit is to replace it with a good habit. Here are some key habits that you should stop doing if you want to innovate in the enterprise.

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3 Traps of common market research methods

Market research has an important role to play in product development. Leaving that up to one siloed department can be setting yourself up for failure.

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How to run experiments without compliance wanting to kill you

We’ve seen the same story happen time and time again. An organization begins to adopt lean startup and run rapid experiments. Soon after, teams stop because they’re scared of butting heads with compliance.

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