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The Interpersonal Side of Innovation with Tony Cooper and Kyle McCray

When trying to transform organizations to become more innovative, it’s easy to forget about the interpersonal side and get caught up in the process.

In today’s episode we dive into just that: how can you better understand your colleagues’ preferred styles of communication and leadership, so you can work together in a way that they’ll be most receptive.

Best of 2016

Today’s episode may be our best one yet (and no, I don’t say that every time).

In this episode, we go through some of the most powerful snippets from all of our podcasts in 2016. In it we have clips from the Operations Lead at Spotify, an Innovation Leader at Intuit and much more.

M&As as a Catalyst to Cultural Change and Growth with Zakaria Ghassouli, People, Finance & Strategy Director at Avito

During M&As, it can often be challenging to effectively integrate two cultures. In today’s episode, Zakaria Ghassouli, People, Finance & Strategy Director at Avito, talks us through how he proactively used the M&A he went through with Avito as an opportunity to create a better culture after taking the passive approach began to lead to some problems.