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Lunch & Learns

Grab a salad or a sandwich and join one of our Lunch & Learn sessions. Learn how to think about a 21st century organization that is RAD: Resilient, Aware, and Dynamic. Learn how to apply the 5 Elements of being RAD: Empathy – Experiments – Evidence – Equilibrium – Ethics.

Napkins are optional but highly recommended.

Why RAD?

Yes, the pandemic was disruptive. But it merely accelerated the changes already underway as we move from an Industrial society dominated by assembly line management, to the Digital Agile, dominated by a new mindset.

Why the 5E's?

Change doesn’t happen because the boss says to change. Change happens by teaching new behavior and providing a safe place to practice it. Fact is, people want to excercise their intelligence and creativity to solve problems.

What's KASE?

We’ve broken transformation into 4 phases: Kickstart, Accelerate, Scale, and Endure. In some ways, Kickstart is often the most difficult. The mistake is a top-down, management driven change program. The mistake is another reorg.